Innocent Okechukwu's Portfolio
Here you can access downloadable copies of my professional materials, including my biography, works, CV, and biography.
Teaching Statement
As an educator, I believe that learning should be fun. I remember taking Maths lessons in tears. I was always punished by my teacher when ever I failed to solve a problem correctly, and that experince ruined my interest towards mathematics. Today, I turn away whenever maths is mentioned. Who is to be blamed, me or my teacher? your guess is as good as mine.
In my cause of teaching for few years now, I have deviced different fun-learning situations to enable me and my students learn with ease. Tackling the “difficult” topics or subjects, using our day to day activity technique is a good way to start.
Using analogies that we are conversant with, aids learning and better assimilation.
I always aim to foster student-teacher cordial relation so as to break every barrier of differences, thereby making me approachable by the students.
Because I believe in raising leaders of tomorrow, I aim at teaching them how to really be good leaders by my examples.

Diversity Statement
Once, I had a bitter experience by wrong-profiling someone as a Chinese, which was based on assumption from the physical appearance. This act may have been innocently done, but it does make the receiver feel bad. In the real sense, the person in question was a Canadian-Taiwanese, but I was quick to profile him as a Chinese. He got mad at me, and reported to the authority. Even though I felt bad for taking the situation up against me, I had a moment for instrospection. I imagined how I would have felt if I was in his shoes. He has every right to feel the way he felt.
Most times, we make mistakes but not sure how bad such mistakes can be. I learnt never to assume or presume. I developed the attitude of asking for clarification before making a statement.
This is what diversity is all about. We have been fed with many information while growing up, and most of these information are false and not healthy. How do we make efforts to correct and unlearn those false and unhealthy informations? How do we see ourselves in others? how do we find a meeting point in our relationship with others? Understanding that we all are different and unique, is the best way to foster tolerance, respect and purpose.